教育問題 |
子どものしつけ |
幼稚園児をもつ母親の多くは子どもたちに勉強よりもしつけをのぞんでいる |
Most mothers want discipline rather than study for their children . |
母親の多くは子どもに社会性をみにつけさせたいと望む |
Most mothers want their children to learn social skills. |
社会に適応できる子に育ってほしい |
Most mothers want their children to be reared to be able to adapt to society. |
両親が共働きのためにしつけ教育を学校に任せる親が多い |
Because both parents work, the number of people who leave disciplinary education toschools. |
両親は子どものしつけを学校にまかせるべきでない |
I don't think parents should leave children's discipline to the schools. |
to learn social skills 社会性をみにつける |
to adapt to society 社会に適応する |
to leave disciplinary education to schools. しつけを学校に任せる |
教育問題 子供のしつけ